Lambda Consulting
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Welcome to the website of Lambda Consulting, a consulting engineering company specialising in reliability engineering. The company is based in South Africa, but serves defence, aerospace, nuclear and industrial companies worldwide. Lambda Consulting supports the viewpoint that reliability can only be achieved by good management and good engineering, and not by good accounting. Reliability activities based on accounting principles (ie "playing the number's game") will probably not contribute to higher field reliability, and should therefore be avoided where possible. Reliability can be defined as "the absence of failures in products", and reliability engineering as "the management and engineering discipline that prevents the creation of failures in products". The emphasis of reliability engineering should therefore be on proactive "failure prevention" during development and production, and not on reactive "failure correction" during operations. Latest news "Lean Reliability Engineering" was presented at the 2015 International Applied Reliability Symposium, Europe .......... [read more] Albertyn Barnard contributed as author of Chapter 2, "Reliability and stupidity: mistakes in reliability engineering and how to avoid them" in a new text book ......... [read more] The presentation "Why you cannot predict electronic product reliability" received the Silver Award at the International Applied Reliability Symposium held in Warsaw, Poland .......... [read more] The Charter of the Reliability Engineering Working Group of the International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE) has been approved .......... [read more] "Why you cannot predict electronic product reliability" has been accepted for presentation at the 2012 International Applied Reliability Symposium, Europe .......... [read more] A 2-day training course on HALT & HASS is now available. The course, "Practical HALT & HASS" starts with an introduction to reliability engineering to position HALT & HASS .......... [read more] Quote "Stated simply, reliability is the capability of an equipment not to break down in operation. When an equipment works well, and works whenever called upon to do the job for which it was designed, such equipment is said to be reliable." Igor Bazovsky, 1961 You
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